NORTH TENNIS For tennis lovers and all those curious to try it, North Tennis offers a vast range of services along with 6 courts in Herastrau Park. SEE CLASSES JUNIOR CLASSES We approach training forjuniors by applying the relevant notions for theirdevelopment. ADULT CLASSES We have a vast experience in the tennis world, to offer you a personalizedexperience based on your needs. SCHOOL ANDKINDERGARDEN We believe tennis is a fun wayto spend Physical EducationClass or extra curriculars. North Tennis offers a wide range of programs aimed at schools and kindergardens. CORPORATE We can offer you company the sport membership it needs. We can also organize team buildings events. MEMBERSHIPS Choose one of the memberships that North Tennishas to offer in order to obtain the progress that you want. VIDEO ANALYSIS & RECORDING Choose our video analysis & recording services and get ready to enjoy your results anytime, anywhere and on any advice! SEE CLASSES CHECK OUT OUR TENNIS CAMP RENTING FACILITIES